Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I hope this blog takes off faster than my weight loss

 I'm  finally taking off the baby weight. My youngest  child is 30.  So, I've been a little lazy lately. I wish I had started this blog when I first embarked on this new life but I really thought I would not be successful so I figured, why burn the calories typing. I could be eating instead.
I hope my words will  be helpful to some, and  amusing to others; mostly, I hope it keeps me in line, because , at this point, I am successful.
I have now lost seventeen pounds. I only have one more to go! I started , at my peak, at 210. I am now at 193. I want to weigh 192 . By Friday. Today is Tuesday. I have one more pound to go. When Friday comes, and I reach 191, I will only have one more pound to go.
Now some folks will tell you to take it five pounds at a time; some suggest two. That's just not going to work for me. I have to take it one pound at a time. It's only 3500 calories. I used to pack that away for breakfast at the local greasy spoon.
I arrived at "I Dream of Bikinis" due to a series of vacations in the Riviera Maya, on the Caribbean side of the Yucatan peninsula. I want to retire there but have come to the conclusion a fat person has no business living that close to the equator. For one thing, it's way too hot when you carry your own
insulation. Secondly, I swim pretty well, so I don't need to be my own inflated personal flotation device. Lastly, sunscreen can be quite costly for a fat person; there's a lot of exposed flesh to cover, even in an old lady swimsuit. (By the way, I have bought the last one of those I'll ever have.)
I am returning to my favorite spot in September : Akumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico, my future home. I will not be the slightest bit overweight this time. Just watch me.


  1. I love this! I literally laughed out loud about the fat person having no business living near the equator. Hilarious! I'll be following you!!!!

  2. I'm following you, too...all the way to Mexico! :)
